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POPEn Ent.'s "My Great Grandfather Told Me..." #HIDstoryLesson Series - Chapter 1 Episode 2

This is the long awaited episode 2 of the Lane that's guaranteed to not have traffic, always loud and free of static is how we deliver #FaxOverFixedShun to your device of your choosing because these #HIDstoryLessons that #Docked-Her POPE Ben E. Ficial the First has been honored and blessed by our Ancestors and through the guidance our Elders were able to drop in the pursuit of following the path of "No longer looking for the right way to do wrong!"

I type slow so you have to bear with me. There will be so much more coming soon, I just had to catch up on my homework that has been long overdue.

The thing is that if it wasn't meant for me to be dropping these jewels like a clumsy jeweler! ( KXNG Crooked quote) There were and are many Kings and Queens across this vast surface area we have had yet to discover and when a title is earned as far as I am concerned, The salutations and RESPECT is the minimal when in the midst of a living Five-Star General who keeps raising their own pennacle not even side glancing if he in the room with you. @ crooked i one day when our goals can be raked over and decided by hot coals in the folds of baggy clothes hiding starving folks.

There won't be any issues with the delays in release dates because it's our own lane and how we release it becomes a proper fit if you actually get a chance to follow it.

POPE Ben E. Ficial the First: You were telling me about the insects and how they also did what exactly?

Great Grandfather Mr. Ernest C. Dickson MD:

The insects are more interesting as intermediary hosts. Theobold Smith was the first to discover this in the case of Texas Cattle Fever. It has been shown that certain species of mosquitoes act as the intermediary host in the spread of Malaria also. Then came the discovery, which proved so fruitful in saving lives and reducing the cases of Yellow Fever, that a mosquito spread the virus of that disease, a discovery which has rendered possible realy the eradication of yellow fever ; I do not think it is too much to say that we may hope for the extermination of that malady. It has not been seen for years in Cuba and there is no reason why we may not expect its complete extermination. There are other instances of insects serving as intermediary hosts. Among the more important are the trypanosoma infections, the most important to us being the African Sleeping Sickness where a certain fly acts probably as the intermediary host. And recent investigations have shown that insects act as conveyors of the spirilla of the relapsing fever and the so-called tick fever which occurs in Africa. It is believed that the plague is conveyed by fleas from plague-infected rats. That is one of the principal modes of conveyance of Bubonic Plague. We know that rats are susceptible to the plague ; possibly we are to think of rats as really the main subjects of the disease, the organisms only occasionally making excursions, as it were, from the infected rats to human beings. The plague spreads largely through the epizootics of the disease in rats and the fleas which infect these rats carry the plague bacilli - not acting as intermediary hosts, however, in this instance, but acting like the flies in cases of typhoid fever, as more mechanical transporters of the organism. They carry bacilli to human beings and inoculate them by biting. It is particularly those who go barefoot in India and are bitten on the lower extremities that are most subject to plague. The buboes of Bubonic plague appear at a location corresponding to the site of infection. If the infection is on the lower extremity, then the bubo is in the lymphatic glands of the groin ; they become swollen and the seat of the characteristic lesions. If the infection is on the upper extremity the buboes appear in the arm pit ; if the infection is on the face or neck, the cervical glands become infected. Human beings with the ordinary Bubonic type of plague do not seem to be highly infectious. It is most unusual for the disease to be conveyed from one human being to another."

POPE Ben E. Ficial the First: Great Grandfather, I remember you telling me that there was another type of plague or was it called something different?

Great Grandfather Mr. Ernest C. Dickson MD: There is another type of plague known as the pneumonic form which is due to inhalation of the germ, and those patients are very highly infectious to others. Plague, you know, which is really the Black Death, the most appalling and devastating pestilence which ever afflicted human beings, is of vast HIDstorical and even social importance on account of desolating the population of Europe on the 13th and 14th Centuries, and of London in the latter part of the 17th Century. In the early part of the 18th Century plague was believed to have almost disappeared from Western Europe, from the civilized world, but it lingered on in remote spots in Asia ; it was put down as a disease of which we had heard the last but, as you know, some 15 years ago it started up again, first in Western China, then made its way to Hong Kong and then to Bombay and for many years has caused most appalling loss of the many thousands weekly in India. It has obtained such a foothold and become so widely distributed there and the methods adopted for its prevention have proven inefficacious that one can only look in horror upon the conditions that exist there."

POPE Ben E. Ficial the First: Being that I am a product of my Elders and Ancestors grooming off top, but on June 1st, 1975 I was taking my first breath of air in San Francisco and you said that I'm going to have to take an ole smoke break, and a fresh glass of water to compliment how fluidly I have in common with the author in which I have learned so much from just by him in his present telling me the past of how our present is going to be unwrapped for our generations' future. Tell me, since you've already dated this dialogue from the second of December back in, 1907, when you're speaking on this it was long before the Nineteen hundred and any year is my guessamation? So what happened in the Sucka Free City before I was an itty bitty?"

Great Grandfather Mr. Ernest C. Dickson MD: It has been introduced into this country ; in San Francisco they had a plague epidemic some years ago about which thete was a great deal of discussion as to the diagnosis, etc. I do not know whether a political campaign hinged upon whether they should have the plague or not in San Francisco, but I believe it did. There is no doubt, however, as to its having been genuine plague, although the doctors were not entirely agreed on the subject. It appeared again after an interval of several years, I think at least three years after it was supposed to have been exterminated in San Francisco. Up to the present time there have been something approaching a hundred cases of plague in San Francisco, with a mortality of between 60 or 70 %. The former epidemic was among the inhabitants of Chinatown exclusively, but since then it is more widely distributed, appearing in Oakland and in some other parts of the Western Coast. The cases which have occured there could rately be traced to human contact, but came in nearly all cases from infected rats, and the great problem was therefore their extermination. If any one could find a methodof exterminating rats efficaciously that would be one of the greatest possible blessings because it is through the rats that plague is kept alive."

That's about all that episode 2 should be required to do. Thank you for joining us on this Dialogue with my African Innovators, Investigators, Irrefuted Game Changer, before he'd knew we'd become perfect strangers.

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