I love when people fall off like a bike chain, like it was a sprocket that they offered in this vehicle! I got this far by choosing "Facts over Feelings", I was fortunate to have a "Mother of my Children" to destroy all of the "care pills" that I had for things that some people may take to heart, but I can honestly say that that was the best preparation for this future that we are headed into. Whew!
We have to separate ourselves from the "Vampires and Energy Stealers" in these days and times due to its effects on the Energy level of the people that operate on the lower frequencies.
You can't let these things get to you, and please OVERstand that it is not YOU with the issue, "misery" still loves company, even during this conflict that we are STILL having!
I have been patient like a doctors' client with various individuals based on the "Alarm Clocks" that they have under their belt. And at the same time, those people still have tendencies to try and have you stuck in "their" level of OVERstanding! I will have no parts of it like ignorance!
I appreciate the support from the REAL individuals who HIGHLIGHT their flaws in an effort to improve the levels that they have reached EVERYDAY! I EVERYDAY wake up in the pursuit of the new knowledge that I am going to acquire, and what else that I can SOLIDIFY in stone of my previous knowledge held. A constant evolving and elevation process, and in said process... You are bound to have many that can not take REALity and fall of when it comes to having to implement actions in a world where only "actions" are respected, and the REAL gets neglected and rejected!
So "Why'd July?" follows EVERY aspect of our lives, and not just the ones that are televised!
I am humble as to the aspect of what I don't know, so don't be offended if the "trust" level is directly related to your Alarm Clock discussions, and the principles that you stand on. (PUBLICALLY!)
I had a video, but it will not allow me to upload with ALL of this HEAT I'm dropping and people begin to OVERstand that you were going to be you regardless of who comes through with the assist from time to time!
"You are not alone!" - Michael Jackson
and if you got your "tracking device" with you....
@deandredavis03 @RedPillRescue @P World707 @Jordan Fleming @nikilen415 @Tgunna Tgunna