I started POPEn Ent. to be able to give to my Queens (All 5 of them), a place for them to be able to have a place for them to communicate without "other people all in their business!" How my daughter Akaylee put it. I wanted to leave a legacy of the things that I was able to accomplish and make happen in my 44 years on this planet.
December 12, 1996 was the day that I set aside my path for the birth of my first reason to give to her the skills from her Father and Straight up Hands and Hustle of her Mother in order to give her the best of both worlds.
This being a time where if you were 50 miles outside of your parole area....
Charge: Abscounding - time added to the backend of your parole from moment of "considered" abscounding.
Also, during a time when if you were on parole, and you got caught with a firearm. The D.A. would know that you had a parole violation coming so they would drop the case, you would get 365 days for violating your parole and back on the streets.
Remember to tack on to the back of your parole , the "abscounding" , and you can see how a "J" number acquired in 1993 turned into almost 7 years of violations for months at a time for mere "contact" with police...
Some people don't OVERstand that I have been going through this system since 18 years old in 1993, coincidently right around the time when times were undergoing a metamorphasis from the "inside-out".
Now that I think about it... That is a whole "other" topic in itself.
I was a G.E.D clerk at a C.C.F. and remember looking at the figures from the "other" privately run prisons. Such as the one in McFarland, California which is run by Wackenhut.
We opened that place...(First ones there)...
Think about ALL OF THE THINGS that you were doing in your life from 1993 on...
I was supposed to graduate in 1993, I graduated all right...
From the County Jail, to California Youth Authority, to the Penn all during my first sentence...
Back to what I was getting at...
Life is the illest!
Just as I was writing about those times... A good brother who happened to be there during those times (inside and out) and we were just talking about those times, and those times too.
He told me that I should write a book, I actually believe I am. This book is more like a "Grand Theft Auto" in it's atmosphere, because it is actually "living" 24 hours a day"
It will be a new type of book...
I'm always Trail Blazin for our nation.