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POPEn Ent.'s "My Great Grandfather Told Me..." #HIDstoryLesson Series - Chapter 2 Episode 2

Updated: Dec 4, 2022


Greetings and Salutations to the Village members and future Village members alike.

Welcome to Episode 2 of Chapter 2 - "Toxines" is the topic and we are learning #FaxOverFixedShun from my Great Grandfather who is one of the greatest #DoctorsOfMedicine #GreatGrandfather #HIDstorian this planet has ever known.

So there's no confusion about getting onboard this new train of thought that makes no stops at backwards, past words, actors, and Halfricans that are addamant about us being the only society in which some are happy with being caterpiller eating Gee M. Oh's leaves because you're used to being hunted and hunted for seemigly like there not being a way out or off this ride that the powers that never should have been in the first place made second place the first loser so we got to get each other to the finish line at the same time, and it's already game time....

Before we get into our little bet about a few (agreements) that you had and trusted , believed, and had faith that they had a piece of paper on the wall that said that I am either a super genius , are being exploited for the entertainment, family got chips, connections, or like a port o potty full of zhit (spelled it that way because my Queen Mother reads my posts too. Love you!

Tap an Emoji and a comment if the first sixth makes sense like change for a dollar to a studying scholar? Hit me with a follow if you helping with our to mmorrow to not have to beg and borrow!

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POPE Ben E. Ficial the First: "Wow sir, there is a lot about tetanus I never knew. Tell me more..."

Great Grandfather Dr. Ernest C. Dickson MD: "The exact nature of the tetanus toxine from a chemical standpoint was not then, and is not now, definitely understood. It was supposed - and it is still supposed to be a substance of unknown proteid composition. It is sometimes called a toxalbumin. It is supposed to contain nitrogen and is looked upon, if not as a proteid, as a proteid derivative. It is interesting, however, that the tetanus bacillus produces the tetanus toxine even if it is cultivated in solutions which do not contain albumin. This does not prove, of course, that the tetanus toxine is not a proteid derviative, in as much as it is a derivative of the bacterial cell. It has been shown by Uschinsky, however, that the tetanus bacillus can be grown in proteid-free media and yet produce the tetanus toxine. It is the most powerful toxine known."

POPE Ben E. Ficial the First: "I wonder if that is still true to this day?"

Great Grandfather Dr. Ernest C. Dickson MD: "Perhaps you have already seen in your text books instances of the virulence of certain cultures of tetanus. Tetanus toxine is usually tested upon mice and, as far as possible, mice of a known weight, 15 grams, are selected. One of the early samples of tetanus toxine was so powerful that 1/100 of a milligram would kill a test mouse, this equaling .00001 grams."

Subsequently Brieger and Cohn purified and dried tetanus toxine and obtained a sample in which the dosage was smaller even than the one I have already mentioned. In this case the toxic dose for a mouse was represented by .00000005 grams. To make a comparison as to the amount of such material which would kill a man, it may be stated that it would require 23 milligrams or .00023 grams of such a toxine to kill a man weighing 175 pounds. We may compare this with other poisons, with the cobra venom for instance which requires 4.375 milligrams for a fatal dose, and with strychnia sulphate which requires 30-100 milligrams. So, you see that in tetanus we are dealing with a poison far more powerful than any other poison known. Ordinary cultures of tetanus do not secrete a toxine which is so powerful as this purified toxine of Brieger. The more usual strength of tetanus toxine is about .000005 milligrams for a 15 gram mouse.

It was supposed originally that the poison secreted by the tetanus bacillus was a single substance - a substance acting upon the nerve cells and not affecting other tissues in the body. It has been subsequently shown by Ehrlich that the tetanus bacillus produces another poisonous substance which is of great interest as far as the question of immunity is concerned, but of very little practical interest as it has no effect probably in cases of infection. The portion of the toxine which produces the lesions in the nervous system is known as tetanospasmin. In addition to this substance Ehrlich has shown that there is a substance in cultures of the tetanus bacillus which has the capacity of dissolving the red blood cells ; to this substance he has given the of tetanolysin so we have in the filtered products of this microorganisms two separate substances, the tetanospasmin and the tetanolysin, only one of which probably has any action in cases of tetanus in man. A great many very interesting experiments have been carried out with this toxine. One of the most important, in as much as it has served as a foundation for a great many investigations in serum therapy, and is supposed to be the experiment which gave Ehrlich his idea in regard to certain theories of immunity, is the experiment of Wasserman's. He took tetanus toxine which as you know has a special action on the nerve centres, mixed it with the brain of a guinea pig and after allowing the toxine and the emulsified brain to remain in contact for a number of hours found that the inoculation of other guinea pigs with this emulsion was harmless. If one inoculate a guinea pig with the same amount of tetanus toxine, as a control, the animal died ; if it were mixed with the brain, the animal did not die. Inoculating with the brain substance itself then, was quite without effect. In other words, there was something present in the brain cells, in the brain structures, of a guinea pig which was capable of neutralizing the effects of the tetanus toxine so that when the two were put together into the peritoneal cavity of another guinea pig, this other guinea pig did not suffer any ill effects. This experiment indicated that certain cells in the brains of animals had a great combining affinity for the tetanus toxine and this observation was the basis for a number of very important experiments on immunity which were carried out in Ehrlich's laboratory."

POPE Ben E. Ficial the First: That's enough for Episode 2. We'll come back after this short break and pick up where left off, for as long as this chapter takes.

Great Grandfather Dr. Ernest C. Dickson MD: "Episode 3 is going to be an quick one as we have supper coming up! Go ahead and take your break while I get my thoughts together and put an end to what has changed since I've been gone.

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POPEn Ent.'s "My Great Grandfather Told Me..." #HIDstoryLesson Series - Chapter 1 Episode 1




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