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Welcome to Episode 2 of Chapter 4 - "Toxines" is the topic and we are learning #FaxOverFixedShun from my Great Grandfather who is one of the greatest #DoctorsOfMedicine #GreatGrandfather #HIDstorian this planet has ever known.
POPE Ben E. Ficial the First: "This makes sense like change for a dollar! I had never heard of a bacillus in our day. Tell me more about it if you will?
Great Grandfather Dr. Ernest C. Dickson MD: "The toxicity of cultures of the diphtheria bacillus is by no means as great as the toxicity of cultures of the tetanus bacillus. Usually, however, you will find that an actively growing diphtheria bacillus under proper conditions will produce a toxine in which about .05 of a cc will kill a guinea pig within 48 hours. This is by no means equal to the toxicity of the tetanus bacillus as you know.
It had previously been observed that animals inoculated with the diphtheria bacillus and surviving the effects of the inoculation for a period of three or four weeks developed a characteristic change known as diphtheria paralysis. It was shown by the injection of the diphtheria toxine in the proper amounts ; that is, in amounts not sufficiently great to kill the animals acutely and allowing them to live for a month or six weeks - that you can produce in exactly the same way the post-diphtheritic paralyses and you are naturally led to conclude that these paralyses, as well as the acute lesions, are the result of the toxine itself."
POPE Ben E. Ficial the First: "So, to sum it up?"
Great Grandfather Dr. Ernest C. Dickson MD: "The tetanus bacillus and the diphtheria bacillus are the two great examples of microorganisms which produce what are known as soluble toxines ; that is poisonous substances free in the broth of a fluid culture, obtainable by filtration ad obtainable without any normal breaking up of the bodies of the bacteria. In this laboratory certain observations were made upon other poisons present in the diphtheria bacillus by Dr. Welch and Dr. Flexner, and it was shown that certain of the changes, especially some of the necrosis at the site of the local lesion are due to a substance present in the bodies of the bacteria themselves. This substance is distinct from the toxine secreted by the bacillus. There is only one other microorganism which produces a soluble toxine which is at all like that produced by the tetanus bacillus and the diphtheria bacillus ; that is a bacillus which is the occasional cause of meat poisoning, developing in the intestinal tract. This organism was discovered by Van Ermengen and is known as the B. botulinus. These three organisms are the only ones known, I think, where we can speak of true extracellular toxines. Just as soon as the knowledge of the poisons produced by the tetanus bacillus and the diphtheria bacillus and the bacillus botulinus was spread, an attempt was made, of course, to see whether other microorganisms had soluble toxines and an enormous amount of work has been done on the microorganisms concerned in our ordinary infections ; cultures of the cholera vibrio, of the pneumococcus, of the typhoid bacillus and of the dysentery bacillus and of a number of other species have been tested very carefully to see whether there is any substance in them to correspond in any way with the tetanus and diphtheria toxines which will produce the lesions of these diseases. It is generally believed that the substance considered to be toxines found by certain investigators in the cultures of the cholera vibrio are not toxines in the same sense. There is no doubt that there are toxic products in these cultures but if the cultures be filtered very carefully, taking special pains to avoid the disintegration of the cholera organisms, then it can be shown that pure toxines are not present in the filtrate. In typhoid it is impossible to obtain a substance from cultures which will produce in any degree the lesions found in cases of typhoid fever. The same thing is true of the pneumococcus. With dysentery bacillus there is a certain amount of evidence that this organism produces a substance somewhat analagous to the diphtheria and tetanus toxines. That work is not by any means completed however, and there is some evidence that this substance is not a true toxine."
POPE Ben E. Ficial the First: "That's a lot to figure out about. And a great place to add some space."
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