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POPEn Ent.'s "My Great Grandfather Told Me..." #HIDstoryLesson Series - Chapter 2 Episode 6


Greetings and Salutations to the Village members and future Village members alike.

Welcome to Episode 2 of Chapter 6 - "Toxines" is the topic and we are learning #FaxOverFixedShun from my Great Grandfather who is one of the greatest #DoctorsOfMedicine #GreatGrandfather #HIDstorian this planet has ever known.

POPE Ben E. Ficial the First: "We're on a roll so far and the world is beginning to listen to us. This is Episode 6 now and I'm learning a lot so far. How can we know the difference?"

Great Grandfather Dr. Ernest C. Dickson MD: "There are certain characteristics which are common to all of the toxines. These characteristics have a general bearing and are related possibly to their chemical composition. In addition we have physiological characteristics. We may say that toxines are characterized, first, by their unknown chemistry. We do no know what the chemical composition of toxines is. Certain authors maintain that all toxines are proteid or proteid-like bodies. They are sometimes called toxalbumins. Other authors maintain that toxines are not proteid and that they have no relationship to proteid bodies except that they are necessarily the derivatives of proteids coming as they do from the bacterial cells. Very little of value can be said about the chemistry of toxines ; it is quite an unsettled subject. Secondly, the toxines are characterized by their great lability. They disintegrate under normal conditions very rapidly. You can keep toxines only for a very limited time and if you wish to preserve their strength you must preserve them under very careful precautions, avoiding light and heat. They should be kept on ice and in the dark, and even in that way they do not maintain their potency except for a limited period. Thirdly, the toxines are very susceptible to all chemical reagents, especially to the action of acids and to heat. They are destroyed by a very low temperature, anywhere from 55 to 60 degrees, and in no instance do they withstand boiling even for a few moments. They are capable of passing through the pores of an ordinary filter. In their action they are very closely analagous to certain ferments, especially such ferments as pepsin and trypsin, in as much as a small amount of toxine is capable of producing extremely great changes, all out of proportion to the amount of toxine present.

From a physiological standpoint toxines are characterized by certain other qualities. I have already mentioned the fact of their great toxicity. All toxines are extremely poisonous as compared to any of the ordinary poisons we know about. A very small amount of any toxine is capable of causing extensive lesions - far more extensive, for instance, than any lesions which can be caused by ordinary drugs. Secondly, all toxines are characterized by what is known as the incubation period. If you inoculate an animal with a toxine the animal always has a definite time before any symptoms of intoxication appear. That period varies much with the different toxines but there is always a certain amount of time, varying from a few hours to a day or two before the animal shows any very definite symptoms and before lesions develop. The incubation period, then, is one of the characteristic features of all intoxications. Thirdly, toxines have a pronounced specificity ; that is, they act only upon special cells. Tetanus acts especially upon the nerve cells ; diphtheria toxine acts upon the parenchymatous cells. If you could eliminate the action of the toxine upon the nervous tissue, in tetanus, you would not see any ill effects from its introduction into the body. The main point about this specificity is the fact that toxines always produce certain lesions. If you inoculate an animal with diphtheria toxine you always find the same oedema, necrosis and hemorrhage. If you inoculate with tetanus toxine you always produce the tetanic spasms. The results are always strictly specific in inoculating animals with any toxine.

POPE Ben E. Ficial the First: "I can't believe that all of this was missing from our #HIDstoryLesson and becoming a #HIDstorian made this all worth it then!

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