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Happy Monday to the Village. Here's the Weekend Wrap-Up and Starting Line Pistol Goin off 04.12.21

Happy Monday is statement geared towards the fact that we made it, and that aspect of it is sometimes overlooked, especially if your mind and body is seriously whooped!

Let me drop this little tidbit of not-so-common knowledge.... "WE ARE THE ECONOMY!" The only reason they are doing this, is because nobody went backwards to see how us moving forward had us going backwards like clockwork. I already knew a few things going into my research from previous studies into this situation of "at what point that this became an obligation, instead of a voluntary participation?" And, more to the mutha-(if I wasn't a Christian!) point of "When in the fick did we as a people EVER agree to accept this part of us being here.

The last part from this Cordial (I am using this term moving forward, as opposed to civil, or snivel for the time being). I wondered who in the fick dropped the ball, and what I found was that NOBODY did, it was a planned move between those that they elected to represent their agenda, and the ones' agenda that was being represented as the agenda for people in need of representing. In exchange for a few trinkets and a better credit score, they agreed to directly join, participate in, or create groups that would keep us stagnated, unmotivated, udereducated, and incarcerated.

They made it so that we "all" have some version of "Meant-all Health" health issues, regardless if it was from too much fakebook, or any form of gaming, it has been studied, documented, and cemented into the future part of the agenda that was going to take a stance on "Meant-All Health" right?

Part 2 is coming soon, I am taking care of the fam, and I'm about to go live with our Viillage family member, by way of Philly, and we discussin what these other folks ain't even touchin... We got the Elephant on trial, discussin the "How" part of it now!

Sign up before time's up, we all couldn't use all three of our eyes once. There's no Big I's, or no Little you's, if you become a member, we are all equal, except by your own participation in what's available. You reach certain status and levels, ... warp zones, higher floors, other doorways and demensions begin to appear and become available. I actually built it that way on purpose, due to the Village members who put the same amount of effort and participation to reach levels of "reading every blog on that section" to OVERstand who the individual in which I am subscribing to his Village/Platform believes, and has achieved in his two years he has completed.










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