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How Old Do Your Flow Go? You Don't Know Full Verses of the Music We Grew Up With Still!? - POPEn

Updated: Jun 13, 2020

I was listening to some old school Geto Boys and I was noticing that I still knew the bars from the beginning of the Album, scratches, edited version verses the original...

It made me think that maybe some of my old school friends remembers some of the songs that we grew up on, and I will post them on our OWN website and drop links to the fact that we been had a place that we could call home for REAL if the person who created it actually knows what is and should be important to us all that knows me, and you know that our network is already deep as fick, we just haven't let people know that yet...

I am building this Village so you can have time to slowly ween yourselves off of having to defend your views verses "Actual Bots" if you think about it.

Check me out funkin around here...

And after this one, I expect people are going to start to think of songs that you may think that you may still know, and it is funny because it had actually been the first time that I had heard that album in a long

Even if you don't care, SHARE!

That is how you can support for what it is that I am doing for us here and what it is going to soon be for the future generations to come...


P.S. This funkin app is not letting me use certain functions, bear with the technicalities as I navigate through this intentional blocking of the internet PERIOD during this time here...




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