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POPEn Ent.'s "My Great Grandfather Told Me..." #HIDstoryLesson Series - Chapter 1 Episode 3

Welcome to Episode 3 of POPEn Ent.'s "My Great Grandfather Told Me..." #HIDstoryLesson Series - Chapter 1, and I am your guide on the side instead of the sage on the stage POPE Ben E. Ficial the First of the humble Village POPEn Ent.

When we last left off we were learning about what was going on in San Francisco with the plague at least 2 times before 1907 and what was the hosts then and as we can see the direction that the powers that never should have been in the first place took with the knowledge of just that time. We also were going over how these methods plagues were spread.

Now we are onto the third episode of #HIDstoryLessons with #FaxOverFixedShun from the Dialogue with my Great Grandfather and what he wanted us to know, and the Ancestors timed it perfectly so that we would be able to make that so."

I have to pay homage to our Elders and Ancestors that paved the way with their essence to be received by the ones that truly would believe in what we were meant to achieve as REAL as the air we breathe.

POPE Ben E. Ficial the First: Can you tell me more about what the times was like and add more of what we call #FaxOverFixedShun with our #HIDstoryLessons with the #HIDstorian minus the Delorian since there's no traffic when we're riding in our own lane?

My Great Grandfather, Mr. Ernest C. Dickson MD: The terror of it in that part of the country is more or less disappearing with the growth of familiarity with the disease, and especially since it is known that plague is not likely to gain the form of a devastating epidemic under the conditions which exist there. Very efficient measures are being taken. The former epidemic was checked mainly by measures directed against the rats ; then through the work of the Marine Hospital Service, acting in cooperation with the local health boards. I think possibly the cementing of the floors of the houses in Chinatown so as to shut up the rat holes and prevent rats from getting into the human habitations was the most efficacious measure. That was the measure which Dr. Blue of the Marine Hospital Service emphasized at the time of the epidemic there."

POPE Ben E. Ficial the First: If that's all it took to eliminate the plague and the powers that never should have been in the first place taking the cheapest route instead of eliminating the threat, they'd rather get funding to study it and see if they can get you to manage with it until the class-action lawsuits can financially compensate for the sidedishes they've been throwing in on the house regardless of the foundation, slight imperfections that perfectly carried you in your chosen direction without influences disrupting your move-meants. Bless us with more of the parts that you feel that we're ready for.

My Great Grandfather, Mr. Ernest C. Dickson MD: Among other modes of conveyance of disease and sources of channels of infection are to be recognized foods, and perhaps milk especially. The tubercle bacillus is undoubtedly spread through milk and there can be no question that human beings are susceptible to the bovine tubercle bacilli. The main things to bear in mind are that milk from cows with tuberculosis may contain tubercle bacilli, and does always contain it if the udder is manifestly tuberculous. The cow may continue to secrete milk with manifest tuberculosis of the udder, but if there is very extensive tuberculosis of the udder the secretion of milk is checked ; the most important point is that without any manifest tuberculosis of the udder cows with tuberculosis in a certain percentage of cases may have tubercle bacilli in the milk. That is, with ordinary tuberculosis of the lungs or the mesenteric glands, or of the serous membranes, the pleura or peritoneum, producing the so called "pearly disease" which is a form of tuberculosis in cattle, they may have the tubercle bacilli in the milk. It is only in a relatively small percentage of cases, about 5%, with this form of tuberculosis, where the udder is not diseased, in which the tubercle bacilli are in the milk. Koch created a great sensation in his famous address at the International Tuberculosis Congress in London ir. 1900 by his very definite statements that bovine tuberculosis was something entirely distinct from human tuberculosis and that there was no danger to human beings from bovine tuberculosis. It had, after all, the advantage of stirring up a great deal of experimental work on the subject and I consider that matter is definitely settled, contrary to Koch's opinion, that human beings may be infected with bovine tubercle bacilli. Very likely the dangers were formerly much exaggerated. We are not to think, I believe, of ordinary cases of consumption as so derived, but in infants fed on the milk of cows with tuberculosis there is really danger and every precaution should be taken to see that milk is uninfected. That is one of the principal diseases to be dreaded from milk. Typhoid fever is also a disease which may be conveyed through milk. There is some evidence of scarlet fever being thus conveyed, but that is less conclusive. The meat poisons have already been touched upon. It is interesting to bear in mind that the microorganism which was originally described as responsible for these cases was the bacillus enteritidis of Gartner. It is now known that various members of this group, in which the paratyphoid and paraeolon bacilli belong, are associated with these cases of meat poisoning and we have reason to believe that some of the cases of paratyphoid fever in human beings are derived from infected meat and are true cases of meat poisoning. The other cases of meat poisoning where the nervous symptoms predominate are quite important; they are due to the bacillus botulinus of van Ermengen ; these bacilli produce a strong soluble toxine. That is a toxaemia and not to be confounded with the meat poisoning due to the bacilli of the hog cholera group. There is much more that might be said about the various sources of infection ; it is a very important chapter in private and public hygiene but I will ask you to look up the matter in the textbooks which further treat of the subject."

This was just Episode 3 and all that I'm doing is listening to the events of our #HIDstory from a source whose Report wasn't even followed up by a different account over the course of the entire convention.

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