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Since Bullies Only Pick on Our People When They're By Themselves, I Figured Ye' Could Use Our Help!?

There has been a lot of misinformation, deflection, negating, lying, denying, and using words that have not been fully defined and OVERstood amongst our people in regards to how a statement from our people is a perception of how we are supposed to feel given the information that was being spoken.

One thing about this whole public castration of one of our brothers who according to the same media that has been spreading this rhetoric of the good brother Mr. Ye' having 'Meant-All Health' issues, though still intelligent enough to build a catalog so extensive, even when you take away his 'Current' deals that seemed to not have been in his favor if they were still able to produce his designs and take his name off of the labels. Seems like a win to me if they had to take they're foot off of his neck in public that they had been before hiding behind closed doors! Clever move in my opinion.

Like I said in the title, I was listening to what the brother was talking about and I happened to have done my research on that EXACT topic, including while I was at Stanford taking photos of the area dedicated to Ms. Dr. Margaret Sanger on all of the research that she was conducting there.

Share if you care that someone is standing up to care and not just leaving him standing out there.

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It's the only way that we can grow, and that's together, by ourselves wasn't cost effective.

If it takes a Village, I built us one!




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