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POPEn Ent.'s "My Great Grandfather Told Me..." #HIDstoryLesson Series - Chapter 1 Episode 1

Greetings and salutations to our POPEn Ent. Village members and future members alike.

This is my first in a series of my many discussions with my great grandfather who I have come to find out was not only good to his wife, but was also one of the most brilliant, highly knowledgable, multi-lingual, photographic memorizing, respected, influential men, that works has been used, stolen, borrowed, copied, uncredited, that has been #HIDden from us for over one hundred years.

Now the story about how come it took me so long to begin writing this is the fact that I had to OVERcome obstacles that our Ancestors knew by the time I accomplished its journey that I would be able to make this possible. It may sound different that what you're used to, but I assure you that it will all make sense like change for a dollar soon...

Now the only thing that I ask is that you bear with me because I'm not typing on my computer and I peck at the keys a little slower than some, but oh well!

Share if you care, and share if you don't...

Someone cares enough for the both of us.

And now....

POPEn Ent.'s "My Great Grandfather Told Me..." #HIDstoryLesson Series - Chapter 1 Episode 1 - Animals to Humans

Me: So what else do you feel that I should OVERstand about microorganisms and their relation to animals and humans? You were going to go into the role the insects play in the grand scheme of the organisms of things?

Great Grandfather: We have already considered the portals of entry of microorganisms and their channels of discharge. There is another topic which has been taken up incidentally repeatedly in the lectures - that is the source from which the microorganism is derived and the path in which it takes in order to pass from that source into the animal or human body. We have considered many of these channels of infection, such as the conveyance of microorganisms by the air ; the spread of disease, typhoid fever and cholera, by the drinking water ; the presence of pathogenic organisms in the soil. Possibly not enough has been said about the infected individual as the source of the microorganism. It is hardly possible to OVERemphasize the fact that the ultimate source from which the microorganisms are derived is the human body in nearly all instances ; we must not forget that. In emphasizing, for instance, the conveyance of typhoid fever through the drnking water, do not forget that the typhoid bacilli which get into the drinking water have come from some patient with typhoid fever and that the greatest precaution should be taken to prevent the escape of the living bacilli which will infect this drinking water. Every care must be taken to determine in what excreta the microorganisms are present, and to destroy or render them harmless. They may be in the stools, the intestinal discharges ; the urine ; the expectoration, but if we be thoroughly on our guard and see that all the discharge of a patient are carefully disinfected there will be no danger of the escape of the bacilli into the drinking water. It is not always sufficiently emphasized that the first and prime indication is to guard against the spread of the infection from the patient himselfbecause he is the ultimate source of the microorganisms whatever they may be, typhoid bacilli, tubercle bacilli, cholera germs, pneumonia germs etc.

Reference has also been made to other vehicles in the propogation of disease, such as insects, serving in two ways, either as mechanical transporters or as intermediary hosts. The mechanical transportation is shown in the agency of flies in spreading typhoid fever, the flies lighting, it may be, upon a stool freshly passed from a typhoid fever patient, then passing from there into a kitchen or dining room and infecting milk or even cooked food after it has been cooled down, such food in some instances serving as an excellent medium for the multiplication of the microorganisms. It has been proved that flies can also take the microorganism like typhoid or tubercle bacilli into the alimentary canal without the organisms themselves doing the slightest harm to the flies, but the excreta may contain the bacilli in a perfectly active, virulent form. It is difficult to (self isolate for lack of a "better" term) against flies ; it is really a mode of spread of disease which it seems hopeless to fight against. Still the indications are to prevent the flies from gaining access to the material containing the germs, and to protect human beings from the direct or indirect infection which may be spread this way by flies. It is believed that flies not infrequently have been the source of conveyance of the tubercle bacilli particularly. Take, for instance, a sputum cup containing tubercle bacilli ; you wilk see flies feeding along the edge of that and we know that they may get the tubercle bacilli, carry them on their feet or bodies or even take them in the alimentary canal and in that way soread the disease. Screen cups and stools, therefore from the access of flies.


What do you think so far? Feedback I need that to bring to you a better version of the ones you may come acoss even if it was a letter off. I don't have a staff or nobody going half so I try and find the most important topics to us that we can do something about beside talking or barking at the door asking for a diversion, a slight of hand, double speak, nascar race rhetoric (going in circles), dixtraction, or an oil slick so we never gain traction type of action.

The disappointing part of it all is our own people that chose to get involved like they're going to let you enjoy your double cross while they baiting you for the triple up the middle about them tender vittles.

I'm going to be adding on and editing as time permits. I'm by myself doin this and I'm campaignin not complainin about what is and what ain't, some of our people have been waiting and procrastinating instead of facilitating and demonstrating the example of what it looks like when you're actively participating.

For now... F the pound signs for right now, I'm in the process of trying something else out.

Share if you care that you ever were here.

Sign up before time's up!


POPE Ben E. Ficial the First




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